you're not nearly as handsome as me

Age 33, Male


Joined on 10/4/05

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McJesus's News

Posted by McJesus - December 8th, 2007

-----JOIN KEEMOC!----

So I've started a webcomic of sorts.. like a normal comic book but uploaded weekly or something.. you can read my outline here..

Here's the site; http://www.freewebs.com/keemoc

So Newgrounds, what I ask of you is;

Name: Your real name.
Age: Current age.
Country of residence: Not all users will derive from Perth, Australia. So this would help.
Voice clip: [optional] By sending me a voice clip, I can determine how you're likely to speak. This isn't necessary, because not all people have microphones.
Picture of your head/fully body shot: Include links in your comment, or link me to them via pm if you're a bit shy. This is so I can both (a) figure out if you look interesting enough, so I can let you to be in my comic, and (b) take a guess at what you'd look like in 2 or 3 years in the future (hence the age)
Style of clothes: What you're likely to wear now or in the near future. (the story is based 2 or 3 years in the future.. so your clothes shouldn't change too much.

I should prolly tell you what you're signing up for..

Where YOU come in;
You're browsing the General Forum, when you come across a locked thread called "Get super powers!" You figure you could get a laugh out of reading what this fool had to say.
So you click on the thread.

It's a topic by me, and the main body of the text reads;

Guys, remember that topic I posted about me talking about turning into a girl? Well, I figured out how! I went to this trippy art convention, and bought this drink[link to picture of container].


I've looked up on Wiki about the drink, and I found this site.. detailing on how it works.. and I know just what it does.

Apparently, when you take a sip, you'll get (a) a power (chosen at random) and (b) a physical change (also chosen at random). The physical change can be reversed by taking another sip, but some of the physical changes take up so much energy, that it's often permanent. These include 'extra limbs (varies between legs and arms, sometimes heads', 'change of sex', 'change of overall skin's texture' and 'turning into an anthromorph or animal'.

So if you're interested, please pm me. I don't want to be alone in this. ._.

You scroll down and see about 6 'loser' or 'gtfo', before you see Enoll locking the thread with "Yeah.. *cough* right."

Now you're an easily amused kinda guy (or girl :o), so you decide to pm me.

I reply with something like

I'm glad somebody took me seriously.. how soon can I fly you to Australia?

You're a fairly responsible person, so you tell me sometime within the next week. You've got not many relationships that really need you there. And anyway, it's just a guy(?) on the internet. You can handle yourself.

So with the help of paypal, and a couple days conversing over details on how you're gonna make it, you find yourself at my door about a week or two later.

You knock on the door. Nobody answers. You knock again. Nothing.

You're about to leave when the door opens, and this chick is standing at the door.

"Who the hell are you?" you say.
"Well.. I'm McJesus. :\" the chick replies.


The story would progress, as you merely chill at my house for a couple more weeks, until I have about 10-15 people who took up my request. Until the night of which all took a sip from the liquid container.

So, please, if you're even interested in a cameo, all I need is;

Name: Your real name.
Age: Current age.
Country of residence: Not all users will derive from Perth, Australia. So this would help.
Voice clip: [optional] By sending me a voice clip, I can determine how you're likely to speak. This isn't necessary, because not all people have microphones.
Picture of your head/fully body shot: Include links in your comment, or link me to them via pm if you're a bit shy. This is so I can both (a) figure out if you look interesting enough, so I can let you to be in my comic, and (b) take a guess at what you'd look like in 2 or 3 years in the future (hence the age)
Style of clothes: What you're likely to wear now or in the near future. (the story is based 2 or 3 years in the future.. so your clothes shouldn't change too much.

Its totally free. :D

And even if you fail horribly at requesting, I could still throw you in randomly on my quick looks at Newgrounds, or even through the mystical adventures we have. :o

Posted by McJesus - December 6th, 2007

Banned for posting in a spam thread.

Posted by McJesus - November 22nd, 2007

There's my part. I'll say nothing more.

Here's v1 and v2. Unfortunately, the dude wanted 12fps, so the one at the top will have to suffice.

I'm taking part in some collab?

Posted by McJesus - November 8th, 2007

Unfortunately, I cannot properly create my own witty version of what I have found (previous to finding the site). So here it is.

Tl;dr; you don't know everything, so you are not able to make an absolute statement like "There is no God." You have to know everything, every bloody atom top to bottom, back to front to know if there is no god or not.

Tl;dr of the tl;dr; you are agnostic.

EDIT:: Please read the site before replying, don't think you know everything. D:
Also, don't go mental at me, I'm not one of those crazy crazy christians that'll resort to swearing and other hypocritical manner. That and I'm not gonna think less if you don't become Christian or whatever. And don't think I'm trying to convert anyone.

etc etc.

Posted by McJesus - October 23rd, 2007

I made what was possibly the greatest save in soccer in the history of gay sports. The enemy advanced upon us, to which they added with a shot straight to the goal. I was infact not the goalie, so it was imperative that I not use my hands. I literally jumped into the air, and like something out of Matrix everything slowed down. As I landed, the ball was reflected off my knee, and the game played on.

Unfortunately, words cannot describe said event. Talk to one of the witnesses, he might have a better story. But most likely not.

Posted by McJesus - October 22nd, 2007


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Hell, if you help me flash hows I wants to flash, I'll let everybody know! :D


350 000 dollar ransom for a DOG. How ridiculous is that?

On a completely unrelated note, the voiceover dude sounds like a pansy.


I just took a big bite out of a pie.

Turns out it was my mother's.

And it was baked at a bazillion degrees, so my tongue raped me.

And that's why I was late to work.


You know that right vs. left brain test that EVERYBODY is talking about? Well I see it Clockwise, and I drew clothes to prove it.

And it doesn't reverse you idiots.

22nd October

Posted by McJesus - October 14th, 2007

Posted by McJesus - October 14th, 2007

Sorry lads, exams and such are coming up, and I've only got like 6 weeks, so I can't do Keemoc right now.

You understand.

If you don't, get the hell away from me.

Posted by McJesus - October 7th, 2007

/filter rape

Posted by McJesus - October 5th, 2007

You should know the website by now faggots.

