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The Atheist Test

Posted by McJesus - November 8th, 2007

Unfortunately, I cannot properly create my own witty version of what I have found (previous to finding the site). So here it is.

Tl;dr; you don't know everything, so you are not able to make an absolute statement like "There is no God." You have to know everything, every bloody atom top to bottom, back to front to know if there is no god or not.

Tl;dr of the tl;dr; you are agnostic.

EDIT:: Please read the site before replying, don't think you know everything. D:
Also, don't go mental at me, I'm not one of those crazy crazy christians that'll resort to swearing and other hypocritical manner. That and I'm not gonna think less if you don't become Christian or whatever. And don't think I'm trying to convert anyone.

etc etc.


Take that paper without any external bias (Christian writers) and all it says is that there exist situations that defy odds to happen on their own being. These "facts" are often distorted or hand-picked to work with the point being made, and nothing wrong with that unless you say so. How can one prove the existence of a creator then without absolute knowlege of a creator? Everyone therefor is agnostic, this paper says nothing to those who are not already convinced, sorry.

And I apologize for getting myself into what will surely be an argument over religion, I do not wish to deny you your faith, just to say the argument presented is flawed. I will try to respond to any comments you have as well.

In retrospect, your arguement mirrored my own, after I later relooked at what I had posted. Oh well.

I dont think people need a test to determine is they are atheist. I mean. I dont believe in any fairytale god. I think every religion is just some fairytale people believe in to much. Everyone needs something to rely their mental state on. For me. Thats just plain thinking. For others. Praying to some god.

And that's your opinion. And you're fully entitled to that.

People say that God created us in his image. The truth is the other way round: we created God in our own image.

Fossils, DNA, survival of the fittest. They are all fact. The "theory" of Evolution is no longer a theory.

I can prove God doesn't exist easily:
God is omniscient and omnipotent (he knows and and is all powerful)
Therefore, if he is all-knowing, he can't change his mind

eg: God says "McJesus will die today, NO WAIT, he'll die TOMORROW"

And if he can't change his mind, he isn't all powerful.

Epic win?

Not sure if it's an epic win. Who said that ability to change your mind meant all-powerful?

When the fuck did we need a test to prove wether we're an atheist or not? It's as stupid as those fucking gay tests.

But did you even click the link?

TheSovereign, you seem really ignorant or havn't actually bothered to read it -_-
But that is a great booklet, not so much a test but moreso a..umm something else, i forgot damit!
anyway, yeah, there certainly isn't any such thing as an 'athiest' i think i'd consider myself an agnostic! but eh yeah, i added that to my favourites :) it's sweet :D

At least someone isn't trying to kill me. :D

before i go on a little rant ill give you some background information on myself.

I'm a Nihilist and by choice,
i was brought up in a Strong Catholic community,
my girlfriend whom i love and have been with for the last 4 years is a Strong catholic,
several of my closets friends are strong catholics

yet none of them impose there religious beliefs on any one, they mention it, in the offhand of it coming up that there "a catholic" therefore they cant take part in certain things.

which i must say i have great respect for.
people who have an opinion yet can keep it to themselves, but if questioned can defend their belief's, you've got to keep a high opinion of them

then theres the other types,
the preachers...
the world savors...

as for your... atheism test your saying this one thing...

'prove that God doesn't exist!'
all im saying is,
'prove that he does'

technically i have more on the grounds of proof, as i could say something along the lines off "if he is real and he does exist he will prove himself by oh i don't know... making my head explode"

now... if my head does explode, i would (i guess if it did i wouldn't have a choice) have to believe that god exists, that would be undeniable evidence of the presence of some greater being...


my head is however still firmly attached to my neck...

so... wheres your proof of him existing, due to my attempt to provoke "the powers that be" and to get no reply, surly i have evidence that god Does Not exist, albeit speculative, yet more so proof than you could give me.

believe me you can quote any chapter,

I've heard it all before,

i dont mean to hurt your feelings, or impair your faith...
non what so ever,
but take into account what I've said...

oh... and if you don't know what a Nihilist is check it out on Wikipedia, it may illuminate the reason why im so negative towards religion

Catholicism makes sense i suppose (i am assuming this please forgive me if I'm incorrect) but Nihilism makes (for me anyhow) perfect sense.

keep smiling ^~

Good to see someone who respects other's beliefs.


" 'prove that God doesn't exist!'
all im saying is,
'prove that he does' "

The vice versa also applies.

'Prove that God exists!'
'Prove that he doesn't!'

It's like an unending fight. D:


" technically i have more on the grounds of proof, as i could say something along the lines off "if he is real and he does exist he will prove himself by oh i don't know... making my head explode" "

Firstly, somewhere (can't recall) it says not to test God. But of course, you don't believe that.
Secondly, who are you to command God to do things?
Thirdly, that wouldn't be very nice/godly to cause your head to explode.

Don't think I'm trying to get you out of Nihilism, same way you're not trying to get me out of Christianty. :D

oh and TheThingy5 the word your looking for is Propaganda.

its far from a test

Possibly true, I'll need to think on that one.

I'm a theist :)

Oh snap.

I cannot imagine that what should have sparked god, just as I can't define what sparkled this universe. Using God as a argument is just as flawed as stating that we know everything.

We humans might never find out what started it all, so why not just believe what you want, and let everyone else do so?

I remain critical :)

Like I always say, we'll figure it out when we die. Doesn't roll off the tongue that well, or has a witty rhyme, but it's true.

Unless reincarnation is true, and we have no recollection of previous lives. :x

wow, you created like... lots of reply thingies.

I say belive what you want to belive.
I don't really belive in God, or Heaven, myself.

Responses. :D

So you believe you're atheist?

i agree Dazmi and im an agnostic but if god did make humans(not saying that he did) then what made your god,also what would you do if your god turned out to be pure evil like dystheism or maltheism belive in,when you look at it god is said to have made evil and what not.

My God made angels. But they rebelled, and created their own evil against God.

Don't cite me or anything, just explaining.

I beleive in God, all you people who dont are ignorant, good job for putting this stupid blog on the front page man, you just made religions, atheists, and people who simply beleive in God collide.
No really thanks, Im so glad you offended all these people including myself.

Make sure you know where you stand though.

Older atheists with facts and theorums and such get real pissed off when a kid tells 'em that they're idiots.

And don't act all high and mighty.

And (generic advice)

Funny site.

Thanks for staying ontopic. :D

Im afraid thats a crock of shit my friend. especially about the banana. who said that the banana happens to fit in with us very well, how come the option that we adapted to eat the banana has been overlooked? afterall, thats the theory of evolution - we adapt to our surroundings, not them to us.

The section about the eye has also been overlooked. Stop relating to darwin all the time, he wasnt 100% right and some of his theories have been disproved. read some richard dawkins journals from his research on the eye, hes a modern scientist and the leading scientist in his field.

The scientific assumption being made constantly is that evolution didnt happen. the quotes relate to the functions of the body coming into existance by themselves non existant - which yes they are - hence the theory of evolution is valid [i.e. we didnt appear suddenly]

Earth is not a building, nor a canvas, nor a piece of music. its a frickin huge rock.

Theres no atomic order in the universe. look up quantum physics on wikipedia and have a quick read until you stop understanding. The first thing to negotiate with quantum mechanics is that if you think you understand, the chances are that you dont.

we may only know 1% about the universe. but it all points against religion. so its fair to say the rest will aswell. if you take a sample of a million people, you would say that represents something. yet that is less than 0.1% of the worlds population. Look up statistics and field classes. 0.0001% is a valid thing to guess with if all the data points one way. you also forget that we probably only have the means to look at about 4% of the universe [if that, to be fair. the universe is much bigger than you imagine it to be]

TV exists thanks to philo t farnsworth, who as a young boy developed the cathode ray tube. it flings electrons to put things simply. guess what, an engineer developed that. if you were left to what you understand you wouldnt be on a laptop. as a moron you arent intelligent enough to understand your own life, let alone the idea of religion - why dont you get this is the only life you have?

you cant take references from a book that is secondary source [i.e. the bible]. look up referencing on any good information website

and if sinning is what i do now, then go and burn your car. if it werent for students like me [civil engineering] you wouldnt have roads near you. or a telephone line. or many other things that have been exploited with the use of science. i remind you the bible didnt tell you about anatomy, give you a schematic for healthcare procedures and machines, or various other things that have saved your life without you knowing it.

seriously... go read some dawkins. you seriously need to rethink your life is this is truly what you think about atheism

(The responses are to your paragraphs respectively)

I kept thinking that throughout the video version of this site oddly enough.

Any links to some of this Dawkins bloke?



I think I have before, and got lost about the middle of the first paragraph.

Suppose I have a box. There is an unkown amount of coloured circles in the box, and an unknown variety of colours and sizes. The logic you told me says that if I take one out (or even a few) and they are all the same, then it is 'fair to say' that the rest is the same. Hopefully you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

The only life I have.. on earth? That I know of? No one knows what happens when we die. Not our physical bodies, mind you.

Funnily enough, I know about resources. Primary is like eyewitness accounts, Secondary is things written about the subject at a later time, and Tertiary is something twisted and distorted to sound better, like a move. Some of the books of the Bible are letters to certain areas. Would this not count as Primary?

I wouldn't know where to go find any books, so again, any links? And I'm not saying all atheists are bloody idiots and should be destroyed, I'm just saying you gotta know that we don't know everything, how could you possibly say that with the small amount of information we have, how could we instantly tell what happens? I know, this also means my own faith is at stake, but of course, the same goes for everyone.

You should probably pm me to reply.

as previously stated, the orange examples pathetic, given an infinite amount of time, and continually dropping the oranges, you WILL eventually drop them in that order.

and this doesn't even rule out evolution through intelligent design. that IS a possiblilty, yet the bible doesnt mention it. The bible is more a basic guideline, are you going to stone homosexuals, put to death people who want to work on the sabbath. It is accepted in the bible to sell your daughter into slavery. If your mother wears clothes from two silks are you going to have a family reunion to burn her at a stake. If a farmer plants two crops in parrallel rows, do you need the entire town to stone him? all this and more is in the bible. Should it really be followed to by the letter?

That's not the point, it's a simplified version of what he was trying to say.

Explain first sentence a bit more..?
Actually, yes the bible is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (zing). What does the bible hafta do with this argument though?

evolution through intelligent design. the theory that God made things evolve, you know, take the chance out of evolution. although the bible seems to say that god created everything in 7 days (well, 6) i have explained that it shouldnt really be taken completely to heart, as blaspheomous as that sounds. There is a small chance a higher figure created evolution, this takes the guess work out and renders the statement "evolution is to high improbablility to even take seriously".

god will guide your oranges to rows.

I've heard of this "Evolution" by God business before. Not too sure about it though.

ahh, so it is jesus that test our fayth in god eh?

I can't tell if you're using God's name in vain or using it in the correct context.

Thats pretty cool. Being an atheist myself it does have some pretty insightful aspects to it. Thanks for the link.

No problemo.