insipidmortal wrote this.. and frankly I don't want to rewrite it. Here's his journal.
"Ok ok, it all started at school. We alternate between public service and recreation. I was on the recreation rounds, and thus was going bowling. Now, where I live, there are a lot of dodgey places, the bowling place was one of these. The lanes are dirty, and the machines always broke.
None the less, we had fun. We would scream and cheer when we got strikes. Naturally, i was starving, and the fact that i was lazy led me to send Jesse to get my food. I sent him on a quest with 20 dollars in his hand. Returning 15 minutes later, with $1.50 and nothing else. The food was delayed, and my rage was beggining to grow. I had spent $18.50 on two drinks and a small bowl of chips.
A small annoying little man brought the chips, it was in a half empty small bowl. I was infuriated, but still said nothing. A little while later he returned clutching two can sized cardboard containers. He handed me it, with $3.50 claiming he accidentally charged me for three drinks. $15 dollars is still a lot to pay for a small morsel of food.
At this point, I was pissed beyond all belief. I ate my food and drank spitefully. And thats when I hatched a devious little plan. Willy (better known here as Mcjesus) had brought his school bag. We had just finnished the last game. And everyone began to take off their bowling shoes. I took mine off, and as jesse walked past the teacher, i slipped them into willys bag, and pulled the zip tight. Willy hadn't realised I had done it, he grabbed his bag and walked past me. I caught up with him, and whispered harshley "don't open you're bag until we are at school'. We left the bowling arena, caught the bus back. And me and willy made our way to cover. There, i grabbed the shoes out of his bag, and slipped them into mine.
$15 is far to much to pay for those morsels of food, but it seemed quite fitting for a pair of bowling shoes."
It's all true.
Pics later.
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