. well i wish the best of luck to you. i want to make flashes but dont have the things to make them. i want a high rank as well. i was a 11 but got hacked had to start over. i know its just an 11 but still.
you're not nearly as handsome as me
Age 33, Male
Joined on 10/4/05
. well i wish the best of luck to you. i want to make flashes but dont have the things to make them. i want a high rank as well. i was a 11 but got hacked had to start over. i know its just an 11 but still.
If my tablet was working, I'd make some animations myself, but oh well!
That's the gayest thing i've ever read!
You're the gayest thing I've ever read! >:V
dude listen too my pms.
no stop sending them
McJesus responds:
You're the gayest thing I've ever read! >:V
He seriously is lol, He's just mad because theres a better more powerful jesus in town...And eviljesus doesn't sound edible like mcjesus does =O A mcjesus and sum fries =/
Everybody loves a family-sized McJesus!
And btw man, you're very funny in TFFHA, keep it up!
Lvl 20+ icons rock, that wrench is one of my favourites. They're the ones that mark you as a proper NG reg, like yourself. Kind've makes me regret that I hung onto the lollipop lovingly for a while.
After typing that I've a mixed response of either putting my hands on my hips and nodding appreciatingly, or face-palming myself for being a total fag.
... anyway, haven't seen you on MSN in a while :(
Daww I'm a reg? :3
MSN doesn't work anymore for me unfortunately! Add my yahoo; big_will1991@yahoo.com.au
just kidding anyways...but yeah, I wanna become a good flash artist too
Don't we all.. [dramatic pose]
oh boy, da contests.. I wanna participate those; but well, I am not keen on da, I dont even enter it DX maybe when I get better at art.
Maybe! I hope to see you up there in the spotlight some day..
lol, I want to get to lvl 39 too someday!
Not a chance!